Sunday, July 3, 2011

Strategy to live a long life

       Strategy to live a long life

                                                               Dr. Tek Raj Joshi
Every one wants to live a long life and enjoy a wondrous life of future. But the problem is how to live a long life with pleasure. Living longer life is a realistic choice for everybody. How to increase the chances of living longer is the topic, discussed from the time immemorial. In just the past two centuries, life expectancy in developed countries jumped from less than 30 years to nearly 80 years or more. In Europe, America and Japan, average life expectancy is average of 78 years. Still 3 out of 4 people in the developing countries die before they are 50.There is a record in recent history that Jeanne Clement died in France in 1997 at the age of 122. Shirechiyo Izumi of Japan lived up to the age of 120 years in 1986.

What is the secret of long life?

Most gerontologists say that the secret of long life lies in (a) heredity (b) life style and (c) environment. We have little control over heredity, but we can do a lot about life style and environment. Mind is the leading player in our longevity of life. The mind to live, a sense of purpose, or will to live, has been shown to have extraordinary effect on life expectancy. One has to stay young in mind and spirit, in spite of any chronological age. One must not think of age as being, but just a number. One must not waste time, thinking that he is too old to do this or that. Look at something you always wanted to do. Nature has designed our body in such a manner that our body will remain healthy up to the age of 120 years or more.

How to increase the chances of living longer and being healthy?

The National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, USA, established since 1958, indicated that apart from genes, there is lot to do through changes in lifestyle and attitude for the wear and tear of the human body. Scientists estimate that the maximum life span of human to be 115 to 140 years.
Strangely enough, most of us live long enough to suffer age- related diseases for which every one of us are dreaded. Long life lies in the mind. The mind is where we make things happen. We are as old as we think we are. Our attitude, our beliefs, feelings play a big part in how we age. Healthy mind adds a lot to quality of life. So long as a man is active and interested and has a purpose in life, then a person stays young at heart. A thought of getting old begets self-inflected degeneration in life.
A famous author, Emperor Marcus Aurelius of Rome says “Our life is what our thoughts make it” Mental decline and physical decline is not a necessary part of the aging process. A study from Brigham Young University showed from 300,000 participants in 148 studies that strong friendship has an extremely positive effect on longevity. Good dental hygiene can add 6 more years to life. Smoking, fast food habit, zero exercise; stressful life can take away 20 years from total life span. Powerful sense of purpose in life helps longevity. Imaginary threats of any kind cause havoc in our lives. A 2009 study of 2000 Chinese women suggested that drinking green tea regularly may cut cancer risk by 90%.Similarly a study of over 40,000 Japanese men and women showed that drinking 5 or more cups of green tea daily had the lowest chances of dying from stroke or heart attack. Duke University study showed that women who were happy with their sex lives lived 7-8 years longer. Red wines and fish contribute to long life. Sir William Ostyer, the father of American medicine, stated that stress is the greatest cause of disease and early death
Gautama Buddha preached “The secret of long and happy life is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about future, nor to anticipate trouble, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly”
Speak no evil of anyone; every unkind word will sooner or later fly back into your face. One should drink plenty of water (about 8 glasses) which assists in cleansing our body. If we feed ourselves with positive thoughts, our body will be relatively healthy and lead a long life.
A few hints for living a long life:-

(a)   Do regular exercise 
(b)   Do breathing exercise
(c)   Avoid over indulgence in food, drink, or even any kind of medicine. 
(d)   Drink lots of tea-green and black. It reduces the chance of heart attack                    
         And cancer           
(e)   Eat garlic
(f)    Take cholesterol decreasing foods like fresh green vegetables, fresh    
         Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beans, oats, apples, olive
         oil, onions, sea foods like fatty fish, and fruits. 
(g)   Eat more alkaline producing foods like apple, orange, grape fruit,
        lemon, tomatoes, and green vegetables
(h)   Cut down acid producing foods like bread, meat, egg, cheese, cakes,
(i)    Avoid fried and grease food
(j)    Avoid refined flour. 
(k)   Cut down red meat
(l)    Cut back salt
(m)  Avoid simple sugar as far as possible
(n)   Control obesity especially after middle life
(o)   Help others as far as possible.
(p)   Forgive others
(q)   Pets and having hobbies are the best ways to increase longevity
(r)    Developing optimistic attitude towards life can lead to longevity
(s)    Always try to educate yourself in some new field  
(t)    Have purpose in life 

Scientists have now come to believe that a great deal of aging process is within our control. Our state of mind and life style can make a difference in extending our lives. Also they come to conclusion that frugal diet has the key to longevity. Scientists at Tufts University found that caloric restriction in mice and monkeys shows a long term bonus on anti-aging effect.
In 1978, Robert Keith Wallace, studying aging, and found out that a typical 60 years old meditating 5 years or more would have the physiological age of 48. Wallace also showed that hypnosis and meditation controls aging.
Foundation of health and longevity is always an attitude. One cannot have prolonged anger, guilt, anxiety, and depression, or stress. Most illness is the result of stress. People are eating 30% more than optimal. It is due to stress that makes people take more calories.
It is the free radicals in our bodies that cause aging and death. Aging is the increasing accumulation of changes caused by free-radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced in our body system. Fortunately, free radicals are controlled by red grapes, red and yellow onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, raw garlic, olive oil, dark green leafy vegetables, orange, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin which are sources of antioxidants..
It was also found that socially active and friendly people live longer. Do something entirely different in life, but never retire. Sir Winston Churchill says “Get change the career but never-never-never retire. Do something entirely different, but never retire”
A great deal of aging process is within our control. Our state of mind and life style can make a great difference in enhancing our lives. Longevity increases by sharing work and worries of daily life with one’s spouse.