The High Alpine climate of Himalaya has quite good environment to grow lots of herbs that has unpredictable medicinal values. Lots of research was being conducted in China and Tibet since long time and we can find very valuable documentation done since Tang Dynasty i.e. around 800 AD. In Indian subcontinent, the Hindu's were the first to introduce the four fundamental concepts of Science -Decantation, Filtration, Distillation and Sublimation (same way the fundamental principle of Mathematics - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division including introduction of -ZERO). Even though we as Hindu need to be proud of all these facts and Ayurveda being invented by Dhanbantary (although citation for the date needs to be done) during the early Vedic Era, we do not have written documentations regarding the Date and period. Lots of researches were being done and many Herbalists, householders, Sears, Yogis, Maharishis and have had their contribution in creating such a vast knowledge of Herbs and Medicinal Plants used by Man since time immortal. The Herbs and Medicinal plants are the blessings of Nature that has long association with us. In Nepalese concepts, we do hear about it since the time of Lord Buddha (third Centuries B.C). Bhaishya Ratnavali (10th Century) is the oldest manuscript written in Sanskrit to be found in Nepal. Chandra Shamsher and Bir Shamsher the then Prime minister from Nepal did encouraged Scholars, Research oriented people to collect material and got edited and published Chandra Nighantoo and Bir Nighantoo, both these publications are to be called on as the only authentic books from Nepal in the field of herbs and Medicinal plants in use. Few more books were also in prints since 1950, after the people's movement liquidating the century old Rana regime. Under the ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Department of Plants are also doing their best effort to improve new technology to grow and preserve Medicinal Plants in Herbarium located in Godavari (Patan), Manichoud in Sankhu, Kathmandu and many other places outside Kathmandu. They also used to publish periodicals and Journals but because of financial problem no improvement has since a long gap. National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) and other institute and NGO's and Ingo’s also are trying to locate and find some valuable Herbs and preserve them. In this concept Dabur Nepal located in Sanga Bhanjyang, Banepa is doing research work to cultivate some high altitude plants to grow in green house making the alpine climate in the GREEN house for commercial uses.
In the high alpine climate of Himalaya whatever kind of plants are grown under the snow or above the ground have medicinal values, but the we do not know way it needs to be used. Many valuable plants, fruits, berries, mushrooms, résumés etc have great significant uses in our day to day life and health are grown in Natural state which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys . The Sadhu's, Rishi ( Sheers), Yogis all used to meditate live in the Himalayas without wearing warm clothing and used to survive eating the wild berries and fruits along with the medicinal plant ( Herbs), and survive hundreds of year of their life still looking young enough which is unbelievable (surprised secrets).
Many research work are on the way to find the lost knowledge and to unravel the powerful aliment found in the fruit & plants from the Himalayan region that will certainly help us to enjoy healthy way of living and to find the hidden secrets of the Sadhu's and Yogi's to have sound and healthy life style in the dense forest of the Himalayas - The secret of Natural healing Power. Now we are planning to go back to the Nature and looking for the lost paradise where there were no incurable i like Cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Cholesterol, Alzheimer’s disease, etc and the desire of maintaining the fountain of youth & anti-aging facts.
In the above concept I do agree with the saying from one of my Guru Principal Amrit Prasad Pradhan, " In order to get progress we need not to be satisfied with whatever we have "असन्तोषम् परम् सुखम्" which sounds somehow against the old Hindu saying " Satisfaction is our main Motto "सन्तोषम् परम् सुखम्". Certainly we could not get any improvement as we were satisfied with whatever we have had but on contradictory the western world got lots of achievements and progress because they were never satisfied whatever they have and always trying to find an alternate way to do it, so that it might either be cost effective or time consuming or an easy way.
Now lots of people are in search of the legend of the most amazing and nourishing fruit & plants from the Himalayan region that is helpful in maintaining the fountain of youth, anti-aging facts, relief from incurable diseases such as Cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Cholesterol etc. Many a number of new products are now available in the Market in the form of Herbal medicine, Natural extracts, Herbal extracts, Tea, Coffee, Juice etc. with an vow to solve the above mentioned problems and matchless health-promoting powers, consumers needs to be alert with their vows but none of these products are being approved by the Drug Administrations.
Some of the noteworthy findings and research work related to the Natural healing Power of the plants found in high altitudes (the Himalayan region) are:-Yarsha Gumbo ( Half plant and half animal ), Goji Berry ( Red-orange berry - Wolfberry ), Gucchi Mushroom & the Red Mushroom.
Yarsha Gumbo, Caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)
In Tibet it is known as yartsa gunbu ["summer herb winter worm"], which is the source of the Nepali यार्शागुम्बा, yarshagumba, yarchagumba. Its name in Chinese dong chong xia cao means "winter worm, summer grass"("worm in the winter [turns to] plant in the summer"). Yarshagumba is used as an aphrodisiac –also better popular by its nickname “The Himalayan Viagra” (An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire). The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of sexuality and love. The fungus is a medicinal Mushroom which is highly prized by practitioners of Tibetan Medicine, Chinese medicine and traditional Medicine and as a treatment for a variety of ailments from fatigue to cancer and is also used as energy booster.
Yarshagumba grows wild in natural state, and is found up an altitude 4.000 – 5000 meters in the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Specially it is found in the sub alpine Himalayan snowline in Dolpa, Jumla, Humla, Khalikot, Bajhang, Mustang, Manang and Rasuwa area of western and central Nepal. Collecting yarchagumba in Nepal had only been legalised in 2001. Nepal government charge a royalty of Rs 20,000 ($280) per kilogram from the Exporters.
Goji Berry
It is a kind of wild berry with red-orange color found above 5,000 ft. altitude in moist weather, also known as Wolfberry. This berry has a natural healing properties of curing lots of health related problems such as Cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Cholesterol and is best used as anti-aging and maintaining the fountain of youth.
Goji Berry now a days are sold like hot cake in the form of dried raisins, teas, medicines, wines, and juices and snack food. The chemical analysis has proven that it contains 18 amino acids (higher than bee pollen) and 21 trace minerals, linoleic acid and varieties of Vitamins including Vitamin B, Vitamin C.
Morchella Vulgaris Mushroom (Wild Guchi Mushroom also known as Morel Mushroom)
Morchella Vulgaris Mushroom also known as Himalayan wild mushroom or Guchi Mushroom. This family of Mushroom is excellent and edible, it is very complex as more than twenty varieties of them are identified some do contain toxic substances which might cause fatigue, dizziness, difficult to breath and even ultimate death once mistakenly consumed raw without cooking. It is advised to cook before consuming the mushroom as the toxic chemical being volatile loses its bad effect. In Nepal we use silver spoon while cooking the mushroom, once the spoon turns black it is believed to be poisonous. This Mushroom is highly praised and is better known as Magic Mushroom in traditional Chinese Medicine to treat different diseases and is also sold for high price.
Red Mushroom (Ganoderma )
Ganoderma is a type of mushroom, which is also known as Reishi. It has been well used and documented for medicinal treatment throughout China for over 4000 years. The Chinese refer to Ganoderma as “spirit medicine”, the Chinese used it to promote longevity. In ancient times, this mushroom was reserved for the Kings, as it was relatively rare and hard to find. Now, thanks to the advent of technology this mushroom can be farmed, making it more affordable and accessible to the average person. Ganoderma Lucidum is a small fungus that grows in decaying logs and tree stumps. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years to treat liver disorders, hypertension, arthritis, and other ailments.
Ganoderma Lucidum occurs in six different colors, but the red variety is most commonly used and commercially cultivated in North America, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.